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How Many Meteorites Have Hit Earth?

Meteorites of all shapes and sizes have struck Earth and the Moon. The most obvious examples of this are visible on the Moon’s surface, as evidenced by the myriad craters dotting the Moon. How many have hit Earth?
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Why Is Particular Moon of Jupiter So Volcanically Active?

Jupiter is orbited by nearly 80 moons, including four discovered by Galileo. The third largest moon, Io, regularly bursts with explosive volcanic activity. Why does Io have so much volcanic activity?
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The Expanding Universe: Are the Galaxies Moving Away?

Why are the galaxies rushing away from us? Does that mean we’re sitting at the center of the universe, the location of the Big Bang? That seems wrong and it is. Does the Hubble Diagram identify a privileged galaxy at the center of the universe? Is there a unique ‘center’ of the expansion?
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The Rotation Velocity of Elliptical and Disk Galaxies

When it comes to elliptical galaxies, we can estimate its total mass in two ways. One is by measuring the velocity dispersion of the stars and using the virial theorem. The other is by measuring the total luminosity of the galaxy, and calculating what total mass of stars is needed to produce that much light. But what about its rotation velocity, how do we calculate that? Is it different for disk galaxies? Read on more to find out.
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How Did the Moon Form?

Where did Earth’s Moon come from and how did it form? The nearest celestial body shines big, bright, and round in the sky, but how did it get there? Humanity’s renewed interest in the Moon raises questions.